The Game...
The game itself reminds me of ‘outrun’ for the megadrive (for
those of you that remember!), it’s a very novel idea. Each path you choose and
each power up you pick up along the way alters the remix. Good driving is rewarded with a good remix; and visa versa, with multiple endings to the game. Anyone with a few minutes to spare can have a go, you don't have to be a thorough-bred gamer to take advantage.
Fancy a go creating your own remix? Here's the game link
The Track...
The production of the official video certainly compliments the game, it is essentially the same format but with a more elaborate story line. The track is really
great; with or without the fancy new game, it doesn't fail to impress. The
Swiss Lips have found a sound that has a very indie/rock feel with a sprinkling
of electronic/dance. Carolyn certainly conforms to this unique style, and has had imagesound toe-tapping all day, what a cracking song!
Visit iTunes to download the new track 'Carolyn' here
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