Would-be concert-goers erupted in hysterical rage when touts began selling tickets priced as high as $1,500 (£930). The band's front man James Murphy tweeted: "NO MATTER WHAT WE DO, IT IS NOT WORTH THAT KIND OF MONEY TO SEE US!"
Evidently some 14,000 people thought it was. The atmosphere in the stadium on Saturday night was reportedly somewhere between joyous wake and dance party funeral – as the band announced on their website: "If it's a funeral, let's have the best funeral ever!!!" The stands were filled with people known as the hipsters, many were dressed in Murphy's trademark look (black suit, white shirt, skinny black tie), and all had come to pay their respects to the band that Esquire magazine described as "arguably the most influential indie band of the past five years."
New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down (with "Twin Peaks Theme" by Angelo Badalamenti intro) from lorenzo tubertini on Vimeo.
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