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New Music ‘Rewarding for the Brain’

Friday 12 April 2013

Science is amazing , and so is this piece of research. Using MRI scans, a Canadian team of scientists found that areas in the reward centre of the brain became active when people heard a song for the first time. The more the listener enjoyed what they were hearing, the stronger the connections were in the region of the brain called the nucleus accumbens.
According to Dr Valorie Salimpoor from the Rotman Research Institute, in Toronto, ‘Music is abstract: It's not like you are really hungry and you are about to get a piece of food and you are really excited about it because you are going to eat it -- that's when you would normally see activity in the nucleus accumbens. What's cool is that you're anticipating and getting excited over something entirely abstract - and that's the next sound that is coming up’

We know how important it is to keep our clients’ services up-to-date and constantly updated with new music.   We are constantly searching for new music to keep all our profiles fresh. We understand there is nothing worse than listening to the same collection of  tracks over and over again. Maybe not for the customers, as repetition levels often come unnoticed to them. But colleagues however,  are exposed to what we do day in and day out, so keeping them happy is crucial. Often, providers out there, forget that they are subjecting some poor souls to their  butchered loop of dull music every day. So artist and track collisions, frequent shuffling and new music updates are a must. And no company can call themselves ‘music profiling expert’ until they get those aspects of their services perfected.  

The researchers now want to find out how this drives our music tastes, and whether our brain activity can explain why people are drawn to different styles of music. Such ingenious piece of research will help companies such as ourselves to understand how to create the right profile for our customers and brands even better.

 So let Imagesound be the ones to reward your brain by chatting to us about a custom music profile designed for your shop, store, pub or restaurant!

 Source: BBC News, Science and Environment; Journal Science ‘Rotman Research Institute’

Friday 12 April 2013

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